D&O partners

D&O Partners invests in solar energy in 2024: a responsible commitment

In 2024, D&O Partners took a significant step forward by investing in solar panels, demonstrating our deep commitment to a more responsible future. This investment not only marks a turning point in our energy strategy, but also aligns perfectly with our commitment to reducing our carbon footprint and promoting environmentally-friendly practices.

The benefits of investing in solar energy

The solar panels installed on our infrastructures enable us to benefit from numerous economic and environmental advantages. Among the most notable gains are :

  1. Reduced energy costs: solar power generation enables us to significantly reduce our dependence on traditional energy sources, thereby reducing our electricity bills over the long term.
  2. Return on investment: although the initial installation of solar panels represents a significant cost, the savings on energy costs and the tax incentives available make this investment profitable over several years.
  3. Enhancing the value of our real estate assets: buildings equipped with solar panels gain in value, reflecting our commitment to ecological practices and potentially attracting new partners and customers who are sensitive to environmental issues.
  4. Reduced carbon footprint: by producing our own green energy, we actively contribute to the fight against climate change, reducing our carbon footprint and greenhouse gas emissions.

Practical impact

To illustrate the scale of our investment, D&O Partners has installed 60 solar panels at our various sites. This installation enables us to produce around 27,000 kWh of electricity per year. In financial terms, this will clearly save us money on our bills. What’s more, this green energy production is equivalent to a reduction of 25800 tonnes of CO2 every year, reinforcing our commitment to the environment.

Commitment and alignment with the Xerox Group’s CSR strategy

Our decision to invest in solar energy is part of a broader commitment to corporate social responsibility (CSR). Indeed, we align ourselves with the CSR strategy of the Xerox Group, recognized for its leadership in sustainability and environmental initiatives. Xerox has long been committed to integrating responsible practices into its operations, notably around the issue of waste reduction throughout its value chain and the efficient use of resources by focusing on the circular economy.