
For every administrative or commercial question please contact us by phone 02 643 42 42

You have a XPPS contract ?

Then call 0800 80 308 or please connect to the “fleet management portal

You don’t have a XPPS contract?

Then call 02 713 14 52 for the Xerox service desk in English.

In either case, please provide your serial number, available on the D&O Partners’ label, to the operator.

Please contact us by phone 02 643 42 42

Share screen

Have you received a request from one of our employees to share your screen?
This can be done via TeamViewer.
You can download it below for the individual operating systems.

  • Windows
  • Mac
  • Chrome

A question outside of our business hours?

Come and visit our YouTube channel, your questions may be answered there!